Automobiles are wheeled motor vehicles that carry people and are self-propelled. They are a fundamental piece of modern technology. More than 73 million new automobiles were manufactured worldwide in the year 2017. The word car comes from the French for “horseless carriage.” It is one of the most universal of all modern technologies. Among other things, it provides independence and freedom from the need to rely on others for transport. In addition to this, it also allows us to save time. The hours that we would have spent waiting for the bus or being late to work can be used to accomplish other things, such as spending more time with our family.
The history of the automobile dates back several hundred years. Scientists and engineers worked on different types of internal combustion engines that could replace the traditional horse-drawn carriages. The first steam-powered vehicles were developed in the 17th century, but they lacked speed and range. Then, around the turn of the 19th century, battery-powered electric cars became popular, but they had a limited range and were expensive to purchase. It was not until gasoline-powered automobiles were mass-produced that they won out over other vehicle types. This allowed more people to own them. As a result, it created more jobs and industries to supply the demand for parts, fuel and services like gas stations and convenience stores.
Modern life seems inconceivable without the use of a personal vehicle. The ability to travel quickly and easily from one place to another has helped make the world a much smaller and more accessible place. This is the reason why many people consider the automobile to be one of the greatest inventions in human history.
Karl Benz, a German engineer, invented the first automobile in 1885. Several other inventors and businessmen followed suit, but most of the early automobiles were expensive for most families to afford. Then, in the early 1900s, Henry Ford revolutionized the way the automobile was produced. He realized that he could produce the same basic model in various styles and colors by using the assembly line method. This drastically reduced the price of automobiles, making them more affordable for ordinary families. This was the beginning of the golden age of the automobile. Today, more than 1.4 billion passenger cars are in operation worldwide. Most of them are driven in the United States, where drivers log more than three trillion miles each year. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is responsible for keeping people safe on America’s roadways.